Ferdinand Irizarry – Patriot Foundation

Executive vice president


Brigadier General Ferd Irizarry served in the United States military for 36 years and retired August 2015.  Most recently, he served as the Deputy Chief of Staff, G-3/5/7 United States Army Reserve Command and Chief, Readiness, Office of the Chief of Army Reserve.  In this capacity, he was responsible for ensuring the operational readiness of US Army Reserve elements through the expeditious implementation of the Army Total Force Policy and expanding the global reach of these forces by establishing Army Reserve Engagement Cells/Teams in every theater. Irizarry previously served as the Deputy Commanding General for the United States Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School/Special Operations Center of Excellence where he was responsible for coordinating the successful accreditation and recognition of the school as a training Center of Excellence. His previous assignments include Deputy J9 (Civil-Military Cooperation) for the ISAF Joint Command; executive officer to the Under Secretary of the Army; Commander, 95th Civil Affairs Brigade (Airborne); Chief of Staff/G-3/5/7, United States Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command (Airborne); the Director of the US Army Special Operations Forces proponency, and Chief, Civil Affairs/Civil-Military Operations training and doctrine development.  He served tours on contingency operations in Bosnia, Kosovo and Afghanistan with joint and multi-national units.

The general is a native of Long Island, New York and graduate of the Johns Hopkins University where he was commissioned a Second Lieutenant of Infantry.  He has served in myriad command and staff positions from platoon through the department of the Army in both the reserve and active components.  Besides his professional military education, he holds a MA in Public Administration from Golden Gate University.

BG Irizarry is married and has two children.

Patriot Foundation


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